The time between the USN and my marriage to Cindy was, if nothing else, interesting.
I managed to trade away an SB104 transmitter, a SB310 receiver, a DX100
transmitter and all sorts of antenna stuff. In trade I got an old Eico
753 transceiver, which I subsequently blew up during a thunderstorm while
talking on the phone with somebody else's wife.
It was a pretty
normal time for me, I guess you'd say. If you were like me then and could
have even been aware enough of your surroundings to make such lame-brained
Eventually I bought
& put on the air a station centered on the Ten Tec Argonaut, the last
significant QRP decision for some time. About two years later I was married
to Cindy. About a year later we took a vacation trip to Canada, where Cid
& I met Austin Brake & his
at Blue Ponds Provincial Park outside of Cornerbrook, Newfoundland.
Austin had a nice
station that he'd built. His main rig -- other than his modified Motorola
FM stuff -- was a Heath HW101. I was much impressed by the radio &
not too long afterwards drove down to Cincinnati, where Heath at that time
had a retail store, and bought a HW101 on installment. . .
which leads to the next page.